Is your dog drinking enough water?
Is your dog drinking enough water?
You know that you’re supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, but what about your dog? You see them drink, but how much water are they actually lapping up? We’ve put together to helpful advice on helping to keep your dog hydrated and how to recognize the signs when they aren’t.
Helping your dog stay hydrated
When dogs are thirsty they lap water up eagerly, but it may be that your dog seems reluctant to drink up sometimes. To encourage hydration, check the basics first. Always make sure your dog is given fresh, clean water to ensure they feel the best they can at all times.
Leave their bowls in a cool area
You wouldn’t like to drink your water out of a warm bowl that’s been sitting in the sun, so why would you expect your dog to do it?
Replace their water every day
To ensure your dog stays hydrated and feeling good, make sure you give them access to lots of fresh water, regardless of the weather outside.
Keep their bowls clean
Be sure to keep a lookout for debris that may land in your dog’s bowl. It’s easy for hair and bits of kibble to contaminate their water and make it unappetizing.
How much water is enough?
Dogs should drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. Of course, if you have a puppy or your dog is really active they may well need more. And just like humans, dogs also need more water when they spend time outside in hot, dry conditions. These last few weeks in the UK have been scorching, so make sure you leave enough of fresh, clean water out for your dog at all times.
Providing water when you’re out and about
If you’re going for a long walk, or ramble or just a short trip to a local park, make sure you pack extra water for your dog.
Even if your trip outdoors is relatively short, always bring water especially if it’s hot. If you’re reaching for some water, your dog probably would too given the chance. Collapsible silicone water dishes are fantastic to keep with you, or if this isn’t possible, in the boot of your car for quick replenishment.
Signs your dog maybe dehydrated
With the heat wave lingering over the UK the last few weeks, it’s important to know the signs that your dog hasn’t had enough to drink. To tell if your dog is dehydrated, check the following:
- They’re looking for water.If your dog is thirsty, they’ll be searching frantically for something to drink and may well be pacing about looking anxious or stressed.
- Their gums are pale and dry. Pale, dry gums are a reliable symptom of dehydration.
- They’re listless. A dehydrated dog won’t seem like themselves, and may pace or drool.
- You’ve checked their scruff and it doesn’t settle back. Take your dog’s scruff (the loose skin over their shoulders) and lift it away from their back. If your dog is dehydrated, the skin will take a long time to settle back down. If your furry friend is hydrated, their skin will snap back immediately.
Also, if your dog has been unwell- sickness, diarrhoea, or is otherwise ill, be careful to keep a close eye on them to ensure they don’t become dehydrated as this could be very dangerous.
Suspect your dog is already dehydrated? Remember the following:
- Drinking too fast after becoming dehydrated can cause vomiting.
- Give them little sips of water to help them rehydrate.
- Take them to the vet if they don’t seem to be improving.