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Carla Lane Animals in Need

Our Cats

3 Spurriers Lane, Melling, Liverpool, L31 1BA.  Tel: 0151 549 0959


Our Cats

This is a live feed from our Facebook album named ‘Cats Needing Homes’. Click on any of the pictures below for more information.

Please note that due to time constraints, there may be some discrepancies of what animals are listed as available, since adoptions take place daily. 

If you are interested in anyone here, please make sure you can meet any special requirements they have, and then fill in our Adoption Questionnaire.

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Hello, it's Pickles here again! Has everyone forgotten about me? I am now here at the rescue, being a very good boy and making friends with new people, as you can see. I'm one of the longest-term cats in the rescue's care, and have still not received a single application in all my months of waiting and hoping. I do need a pet-free and child-free home, with someone who's had cats before, and access to a safe outdoor space away from main roads (even a good-sized catio would be great). In the past I've had urinary problems, but it's been quite a while since they last flared up - it would just need a bit of extra vigilance on the part of my new owner, to make sure I'm okay, and would have to be declared as a pre-existing condition on pet insurance. As you can see from my tattered ear, I have been through the wars in my previous years, and though I'm still bright and lively, I also want to enjoy some home comforts. Could you be the special person who finally chooses me? If so, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello! We are Roly, Ruby, and Rosy, one brother and two sisters who are around six months old. We were born outside to a stray/feral mum, but a kind lady helped to keep us all fed and found us a rescue space. We have been socialised up to a point, but we're very shy with strangers, and will hiss and back away (unless you come bearing dinner!). Understandably, that makes everyone think we're not friendly at all. We don't scratch or bite, we are just scared, and need extra patience to help us feel safe and get used to new things. Our brother Clover, who's recently been adopted, started out as the most nervous one, but then turned into a cuddle bug once he settled! We cannot live with children, but would love a home with other cats to play with. We could be adopted together, or go to separate homes provided there was already a cat there who'd be nice and make friends with us. If you're interested in any of us, here is the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Tinkerbell! I came to the rescue with two other cats, after our owner sadly died. We're all nine years old, and nice friendly girls, though I'm usually the shyest of the three and spend a lot of time in my favourite igloo bed. We've set up an 'I don't bother you, you don't bother me agreement', so we're not really bonded but also don't quarrel. We wouldn't mind being homed either together or separately. I'm used to being allowed outside, so I'd need to live in a safe area away from main roads. Because I'm wary of new people, I would feel more comfortable in an adult-only house that's not too busy. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Holly! I came to the rescue with two other cats (Tinkerbell and Pollyanna, who have already been posted), as our owner sadly died and the family couldn't keep looking after us any longer. All three of us are still waiting for a home. We are nine years old, and don't have a close bond, so would be fine going to separate homes (I think Pollyanna in particular would be happier as the only pet in the house). I am a sweet shy girl, who's very good at finding cosy hiding places. Sometimes I get right under my favourite blanket, so all you can see is a wriggling shape, and then I'll pop my head out when I realise it's dinner time! Since I'm not a very outgoing cat, I would suit a quiet home. I'm used to being allowed outside. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, it's Ruby and Rosy here again. Although we're not long-term residents compared to some of the other cats, it feels like we've been in here for a large portion of our lives - both of our brothers were adopted before Christmas, and two months later there's no home in sight for us. We're around 8 months old now, a pair of sisters who were born outside to a semi-feral mum. Because we weren't raised in a home environment, we did miss out on some socialisation, and we're still skittish with people - but we have gotten a lot braver over time, we're super playful, and will come sit at the door of our pen and say hello. We can be stroked by people we trust, especially if you're giving us treats! We love to scamper around and explore, and it's sad that as we get close to our first birthdays, we can't say we've ever had a home of our very own. Because of our timid natures, we'd prefer an adult-only home, with someone who has previous experience with cats. We're okay with other pets, and especially interested in dogs! We're used to being allowed outside, so might get bored as indoor only cats, unless there was lots of enrichment and space for us to run about in. If you think you could be the one to change our lives, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello everyone, it's Rosy and Ruby here again. We're getting closer to spending our first birthday in the cattery, having never known what it's like to be in a home of our very own. We were born outside, and would have become feral if a kind lady hadn't started feeding and socialising us. We are still shy girls who need patience from new people...but as you can see, once we're comfortable enough, we'll come and happily sit on your knee! Tasty treats are definitely the way into our hearts. We would like to stay as a pair, and would do better in a child-free home with someone who has previous cat experience. Surely there must be someone out there, who'll give us a chance? If you're interested in us, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, it's Holly and Tinkerbell here again! We're actually having a nice break from the cattery right now, and getting comfortable in a foster home, but we're still looking for be permanently adopted. We are nine-year-old sisters who came to the rescue after our owner sadly died. We are timid with new people, and will hide away when we're scared. Once we feel safe with you, we're affectionate, and have been sitting on our foster parents' knees. We are quiet and gentle girls, who would prefer a calm household without children or other pets. We were used to being allowed outside in our previous home, so we'd need to live in a safe area away from main roads. If you're interested in us, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Branston! You might recognise me from reading the cattery news a couple of weeks ago. I came to the rescue as an injured stray, but thanks to the vets and the nice lady who managed to trap me, I'm doing much better and feeling ready for my new home. I'm around 5-10 years old, but nobody is sure of my exact age. Though I was scared and hurt when I first came here, I've become a happy, friendly boy who will shout for attention from people I know. Because my previous injuries were likely gained from other cats, it would be better for me to be the only pet in my new home. I'm not used to children, and not sure how I might react to them. I was used to roaming about, so I'd enjoy a place with safe outside access, that isn't too close to anything dangerous like main roads. I look tough and battered on the outside, but underneath that I'm a big softie, who would love a warm knee to relax on. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Buster! I was an injured stray, found with large puncture wounds on my back (possibly from a dog attack). A nice lady took me to the vets and helped nurse me back to health, and since no owner could be found, I came to the rescue. I'm a very lively and cheeky lad, around four years old, and I'll come and shout at you for attention! However, I can bite if I get startled or over-excited, so I need a home with sensible, cat-savvy people who can manage this. I'd rather not live with other pets or children. I love being able to play outside, so I'd need a house with a secure garden, away from hazards like busy roads. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello! We are Sally and Steve, a bonded pair of siblings. We are 14 years young, very friendly and affectionate cats, and very talkative too! We came to the rescue after our owner sadly passed away, and nobody in the family could keep us. We're in good health for our age, Steve recently had a dental operation and his remaining teeth are all nicely polished. We are gentle and could live with sensible, cat-savvy children. We've spent most of our lives as indoor only cats. If you're interested in us, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, it's Leo here again! Just reminding everyone that I'm ready and eager to meet my forever family, as soon as they turn up. I'm a nice friendly boy, around seven years old, who was wandering the neighbourhood because I didn't get along with other cats in my previous home. I could live with sensible older children (no younger than ten), but I'd be happier as the only pet in the house from now on. I'm used to being allowed outside, so I'll need to live in a safe area, with a secure garden/yard and no busy roads nearby. I do hope that Facebook behaves itself today, and lets people share my post without mistaking it for spam! That's been happening a lot lately, and making it even harder for the animals to be adopted. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, we are Sammy and Marie! We're a very affectionate, bonded pair of middle-aged ladies. Sadly our owner went into care, and we were alone in the house being fed by a neighbour. We enjoy making new friends, and are quite inseparable. It's not known if we have ever lived with other pets besides each other, or if we've met children. Because we're nice and friendly, we should be fine with sensible older children who'll respect our boundaries. We are used to being allowed outside, so we'd love a house with a secure garden, that isn't located too close to main roads or other hazards. Please give us a chance. Nobody is applying for adult cats at the moment, and there are so many urgent cases on the rescue's waiting list, who can't be helped because there is no space. If you're interested in us, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Magic! I am 10 years old, a friendly and good-natured lady who came to the rescue as sadly my family were evicted. I came here with another cat too, but we're not really close, so we can be homed separately. I was a beloved pet. I have lived with a dog as well as the other cat, and I'm good with children. I can sometimes be a bit shy though, and will hide if I feel insecure, to I'd rather not live in too busy a household. Just a nice amount of company would suit me. I'm used to being allowed outside, so I'd enjoy a secure garden/yard, and couldn't live too close to any main roads. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Luna! I am 9 years old, a cuddly girl who came to the rescue as sadly my family were evicted. I came here with another cat too, but we're not really close, so we can be homed separately. I was a beloved pet. I have lived with a dog as well as the other cat, but I do seem to prefer a bit of space from other animals, I'm tolerant more than friendly with them. I am good with children, and happy to meet new people. I'm used to being allowed outside, so I'd enjoy a secure garden/yard, and couldn't live too close to any main roads. I'm trying to put a brave face on, after my sudden big move from a home into the cattery, but I've had a spot of cystitis to show I'm feeling stressed. I would love to have a place of my own again soon, with somebody who'll give me lots of fuss. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Aisha! I came to the rescue along with my kittens, who were just ten days old at the time, after a man found us living outside and brought us to safety. They’ve been adopted now, but this is a good photo of me, standing guard! I took my responsibilities as a mum very seriously, and was never shy of telling people off, if I thought they were interfering with my babies too much. Now I’m hoping to find someone who will take equally good care of me. I am a friendly cat, probably not more than 1-2 years old, who would be happiest in a home without other pets or young children. I'm not used to staying indoors, of course, but if you'd like to let me outside in future then you'll need a secure garden/yard, which isn't too close to any main roads (or other hazards like railway lines). If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello everyone, it's Buster here again! Despite the rescue's efforts, I'm not enjoying being in the cattery, and feeling increasingly restless and bad-tempered. It seems like I might be happiest as a farm/stable cat, who can receive care while enjoying my independence. I love the outdoors, and would be thrilled with a countryside environment that I can explore at my leisure, earning my keep by chasing rats. Just imagine, being out of this pen and away from the other cats, having green fields to wander through all summer long, and then a comfortable shelter and a nice dinner waiting for me at the end of the day...that's the life for me! I'm not scared of people, I'm actually quite confident, but I do have a bite history which means that it's better I am allowed some space. I really don't like other cats, and couldn't be placed anywhere that already has cats in residence. I would like a little kingdom just for me! I have a big cheeky personality, and need the right type of surroundings where I'll feel free to be myself. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Shadow! I'm not currently at the rescue, but am waiting to be returned. The human family who adopted me all love me, but their other cat really doesn't, and after a long time trying everything to make the situation better, this is the only solution. I'm a big, affectionate, chunky, boy. I'm very food motivated, and have been taught how to sit and give my paw for a treat! I'm playful and gentle, and my favourite thing to do is cuddle and fall asleep next to you. I can be shy at first, but once I love you, I'm locked in. I am currently 2 years old, but will be 3 in July/August 2024. I've been with my current owners since I was 4 months old. I'm very bonded with my 10 year old owner, but the other cat has never managed to get along with me, even though I'm desperate for her to be my friend. I can be quite timid, so would suit a home with older children or no children. I'm very vocal, so you’d have to like a chatty cat who loves to tell you all about his day. I may be okay in a home with other friendly and gentle cats, but I've been quite bullied by my current fellow house cat, so may prefer to be the only cat as I'm very submissive. I'm used to having access to the outside, so would love a garden and a quiet street. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, my name is Ruby! I was adopted from the rescue as a kitten, but sadly had to be returned due to a new landlord who doesn’t like pets. My previous owner was very upset to part with me. I’m around five years old now, a chubby talkative girl who is timid with strangers, but sweet once I feel more comfortable around you. I’m not used to living with children or other pets. I love being allowed to play outside, so I’d need a house with a secure garden/yard, not too close to any hazards like main roads or railway lines. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, my name is Katrina! I’m the cattery’s most senior resident, at seventeen, but am looking very good for my age (despite the blurry photo - when I realised there was a camera on me, I immediately got out of bed and began strutting about). I was adopted a few years ago, but recently given to another rescue, who kindly contacted Animals In Need so they could bring me back. I’m a gentle and friendly girl, who is looking for a comfortable retirement home. I’d prefer somewhere nice and quiet, without other pets or children, where I can potter about and enjoy my golden years peacefully. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, it's Ruby and Rosy here again, We are one-year-old sisters, who have now spent more than half our lives in the cattery, since we came here back in November. We were born outside to a stray/feral mum, so we've never known what it's like to have a home of our very own. We are timid with strangers, but greedy and easily bribed with treats! Once we get to know you, we'll let you stroke us and even climb onto your knee. We're playful and full of beans, and we'd love a proper house to run around, instead of a pen. We're a bonded pair, and might be okay with other pets, though we're picky with which of our cattery neighbours we like. Because of our shy natures, we could live with sensible teens but not younger children. Someone who's had past cat experience would be best for us. Our dream home would have a secure garden for us to play in, and wouldn't be near anything dangerous like main roads or railway lines. We have waited such a long time, for somebody to give us a chance. Isn't there a place in the world for us? If you could be our special person, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, it's Marie and Sammy here again! We are still waiting patiently for a home, since nobody at all has applied for us yet. We're a very affectionate, bonded pair of middle-aged ladies. Sadly our owner went into care, and we were alone in the house being fed by a neighbour. We enjoy making new friends, and are quite inseparable. It's not known if we have ever lived with other pets besides each other, or if we've met children. Because we're nice and friendly, we should be fine with sensible older children who'll respect our boundaries. We are used to being allowed outside, so we'd love a house with a secure garden, that isn't located too close to main roads or other hazards. Please give us a chance. Nobody is applying for adult cats at the moment, and there are so many urgent cases on the rescue's waiting list, who can't be helped because there is no space. If you're interested in us, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We've also heard that copying a link to the post sometimes works instead. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, we are Parker and Pippin! We were strays found locked in a shed with our mum, when we were only very little, and now we've grown big enough to start looking for new homes. We are both boys. We're shy with strangers, because we weren't socialised for our first few weeks, but we've had time in a foster home to help catch up with that. We will need a bit of extra patience, and wouldn't be suitable to live with younger children. We'll hiss at people, but can still be picked up and cuddled! If you can offer one or both of us a loving home, for the next 15+ years, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We've also heard that copying a link to the post sometimes works instead. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, it's Pippin here again, deciding that I'm tired of waiting for someone to come to me - I'm going to dig my way through this door, and find my own home! I can do it! I was nervous when I arrived last week, but as you can see, I'm getting braver by the day (even though I'm still a mummy's boy, and she's patient enough to let me sneak a feed whenever I want). I'd still prefer not to live with younger children, but other pets should be fine. If you can offer me a loving home for the next 15+ years, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We've also heard that copying a link to the post sometimes works instead. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, it's Katrina here again! I decided to pose properly for a photo today. I'm the cattery's oldest resident at 17, but in good shape for my age. I was adopted a few years ago, but then given to another rescue, who kindly contacted Animals In Need so they could bring me back. I’m a gentle and friendly girl, who is looking for a comfortable retirement home. I’d prefer somewhere nice and quiet, without other pets or children, where I can potter about and enjoy my golden years peacefully. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in: PLEASE NOTE - Facebook is currently giving us serious problems, blocking people from sharing our posts, because faulty AI mistakes them for spam. Please do try to share, and if Facebook stops you then send an appeal against it. We rely on sharing to help find homes for the animals!
Hello, it's Branston here again! When I first came to the rescue, I was in a rather sad state, as another unnautered stray who was injured from too many fights. I'm doing brilliantly now though, and have turned into a confident chatterbox! I'm a friendly boy who would be happy as the heart of the household, but due to my background I do need a pet-free and child-free home. I've had a rough life, which has taught me to stand up for myself (even when I don't actually need to). I'd be perfect for experienced cat people, who are looking for a charming personality to brighten up their lives. I love playing outside, so I'd need to live in a safe area away from busy roads. If you want an indoor-only cat, I wouldn't be the right match. Because I was a stray, my exact age isn't known, but I seem to be around middle aged, maybe eight years? If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, it's Tinkerbell here again. I was adopted recently, but sadly brought back after a few days for scratching furniture. I am three years old, and I'm a friendly and sociable girl, but do have firm boundaries on what I do and don't like! I need a pet-free and child-free home please. Though I enjoy meeting people and being stroked, I have a feisty side too, and if I'm annoyed or over-excited I can lash out. I'm looking for a sensible experienced owner who won't be worried about this. With a beautiful face like mine, I think I am allowed to be a diva! Please can any comments be focused positively on finding me a new home, and not the circumstances of my return to the rescue. Edited to add: Since so many people haven't listened to this request, comments are now closed on this post. If you're genuinely interested in me, and ready to make a lifelong commitment, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, my name is Tony! I was posted a couple of weeks ago, after being dumped in the rescue's reception. No owner came forward, so I'm officially a resident now. I'm a lovely boy, affectionate and playful, and as you can see I'm also a lap cat who enjoys a cuddle (this photo was taken on the cattery manager's knee at lunchtime today - it's a bit blurry, but gets my personality across well). I seem like a youngster, probably less than a year old. Because of the circumstances I arrived under, nothing is known about my history or what type of home I had before. I've only just been neutered, so I haven't been properly introducted to other cats yet, but I don't hiss or shown aggression to my neighbours when I see them. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, we are Sunny, Sparky, Sophie, Sammy and Sylvester! There's five of us altogether, but not everyone wanted to pose for photos. We were born in foster to our mum Serenity, and now we're big enough to head out and find homes of our own. We're friendly and socialised, but some of us are more or less confident than others, when it comes to meeting brand new people. Any of us could live with other pets. We are typical silly kittens, so we love to play, climb, and try to get into places we shouldn't! If you could offer any of us a loving home for the next 15+ years, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, it's Topaz and Tourmaline here! We're a bonded pair of very friendly and playful young cats. The rescue thinks we're probably sisters, and we don't seem more than a year old. We were abandoned by our previous owners, while both of us were heavily pregnant. Fortunately, a kind lady stepped in and offered us shelter, so we weren't giving birth out in the winter cold. We had nine kittens between us, and put them in one big pile to look after together! All our babies are adopted now, and we're excited to start our new lives too. We have wonderful personalities, we're affectionate and curious, and will make perfect companions. We get along really well with each other, and often cuddle up to sleep in the same bed. We're less sure about animals we don't know, though. We could live with gentle and cat-savvy children. If you're interested in us, here's the adoption form to fill in:
Hello, it's Ruby here again! I'm still waiting patiently for my perfect person to notice me. I was adopted from the rescue as a kitten, but sadly had to be returned due to a new landlord who doesn’t like pets. My previous owner was very upset to part with me. I’m around five years old now, a chubby talkative girl who is timid with strangers, but sweet and happy to be stroked once I feel more comfortable around you. I’m not used to living with children or other pets. I love being allowed to play outside, so I’d need a house with a secure garden/yard, not too close to any hazards like main roads or railway lines. If you're interested in me, here's the adoption form to fill in: