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Carla Lane Animals in Need

Website status

3 Spurriers Lane, Melling, Liverpool, L31 1BA.  Tel: 0151 549 0959

03/6/2020 – 018:30
#060301 – Lost the feed to Facebook leaving animal pages without images.  This is now resolved.  it was a permissions issues between Facebook and this website which has been re-connected.  Thanks to all who report this.

17/3/2020 – 07:56
#031701 – Random errors over the past couple of hours on the entire website have been reviewed.  The errors were general blank screens suggesting critical errors.  This was diagnosed as a memory limit issue after upgrading to PHP 7.3.  Memory has been significantly increased and errors appear to have gone.  If anyone has anything to add on this fault, please send details via our problem reporting form



16/3/2020 – various times
#031601 – multiple reports from many kind visitors notifying me that the dogs page was not displaying.  This was a glitch with the auto feed to out Facebook page.  All dogs are added to Facebook and this website takes a feed from it.  I have updated the necessary plugins and cleared the cache and this appears to have worked.  If anyone has anything to add on this fault, please send details via our problem reporting form

23/6/2019 – 18:47
#062301 – report that a form is not working correct via a phone.  We have not identified any fault and awaiting further information to help identify a fault. The report suggests that after filling in and submitting a form it just reappears.  If anyone has anything to add on this fault, please send details via our problem reporting form


14/03/2019 – 15:41
#031401 – Changes implemented and tested.   If you do not get a response from the adoption questionnaire, please report this via our problem reporting form

14/03/2019 – 15:20
#031401 – report that some adoption forms are not reaching our sanctuary.  The possible fault has been identified and a solution is being implemented.  I will post an update when it has been completed.

13/3/2019 – 19:18
#031301 -Reported error of adoption questionnaire resolved.  Thank you for reporting.

13/3/2019 – 18:42
#031301 – Report of the adoption questionnaire web form failure with an error “failed to send due to \Invalid address: (setFrom) Adoption Questionnaire true\”